theU | Governance


The following document outlines the goals and direction of the StFX Students’ Union for the past and current academic years. The Executive team has collaboratively developed this document to ensure vision and measurable accountability to our members.

The Students’ Union Core Values and the Students’ Union Strategic Plan were both key principles in informing this document. It is noted that the post-secondary education environment is one of high volatility, and thus, a proactive, rather than reactive approach is paramount to ensuring the student voice on the StFX University campus is one of great prominence.

Further comments, feedback, & insight is always welcomed and can be forwarded to the StFX Students' Union President.


The strategic plan is meant to address issues identified through: focus groups, surveys, and discussions with various stakeholders across StFX's campus. While continuing to move the organization in a positive direction which aligns with its core values of:

Servant Leadership to Students      |     Trust, Integrity, Respect
Transparency and Accountability     |     Fun, Inclusive Student Engagement
Sustainable, Innovative Practices

The goals and objectives outlined in the strategic plan are developed by the students' union executive teams, and are carried out over three-year periods by the StFX Students' Union. The objective of the strategic plan is not to be prescriptive with the recommendations, but to provide possible avenues and highlight potential barriers to success. 

Any questions regarding the strategic plan or the strategic planning processes should be addressed to the President of the Students’ Union ( or the Chair of the Board of Directors (  

2021–2024 Strategic Plan
2018–2021 Strategic Plan
2015–2017 Strategic Plan



Our constitution lays out the principles of our organization. A constitution is a document that guides the direction of an organization, based on some fundamental principles, laid out within. 

2004 Constitution



The Council of the StFX Students’ Union, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, under and by virtue of the powers conferred upon it by Chapter 128, Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1965, amendments thereto, “St. Francis Xavier University Students' Union Act, 1972”, and replaced repealed by Student Referendum 2023, does hereby make and publish the following by-laws.



The Council of the StFX Students’ Union has a number of VP and Governing Positions we hire for annually, their terms of reference & our general hiring policy can be found below!