We’re here to help you! TheU provides services and programs to help students save money and support student success. In addition, we advocate for students by engaging university administration and all levels of government on your behalf. Equity, academic, residence, and financial concerns are just some of the issues we can help you with. Come visit us on the 4th floor of the Bloomfield Centre from Monday to Friday or scroll down to reach out via our individual email.
- MondayN/A
- TuesdayN/A
- WednesdayN/A
- ThursdayN/A
- FridayN/A
Responsible for the operation of the StFX Students’ Union and for the determination and implementation of its objectives.
A member ex-officio of all Committees and other bodies of the Union.
Coordinate all student representation on University Committees.
Responsible for all relations with other Students' Unions, schools, governments and outside organizations.
Working with the VP External Affairs, acting as representatives of all StFX students at all Students Nova Scotia meetings and conferences, and is a member of the Students Nova Scotia executive board as well as all Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA) meetings and conferences, and as a member of the CASA general assembly.
Responsible for the concerns of all students. This includes student groups not represented on the Students’ Union Representative Council.
Responsible for relations with the Coady International Institute.
Responsible for relations with University administration.
Responsible for the carrying out of all matters pertaining to the actual operation of the Union.
For a complete list of the Responsibilities of the President, please refer to pages 29-31 of the StFX Students’ Union By-laws.
University Board of Governors, Executive Committee
University Board of Governors
Students’ Union Board of Directors, as a voting member
Executive Board of the Students’ Union, as chair (voting member)
X-Ring Committee, as chair
Convocation Committee
StFX Town and County Committee
Occupational Health and Safety Committee
Food Service Liaison Committee
X-Project Board of Directors
Safety and Security Advisory Committee
Good Neighbours Working Committe
Students' Oreintation Committee
Sexual Violence Prevention Committee
- Research & Policy Associate
For a complete list of the president’s committees, please contact at
- Monday1pm-5pm10:30am-11:30am;
- Tuesday11:30am-5pm
- Wednesday9am-5pm
- ThursdayN/A
- Friday10am-6pm
In the absence of the President, the VP Academic Affairs shall be the Chief Executive Officer and shall assume all responsibilities there within.
The VP Academic Affairs shall deal with all matters of an educational nature brought before the Council and be knowledgeable of all activities of an educational or academic nature that pertains to students.
The VP Academic Affairs shall supervise student representation on all academic committees and make recommendations to these members when necessary.
The VP Academic Affairs shall make all appointments, in consultation with the Students' Union President, of student representatives on Academic University Committees.
The VP Academic shall be responsible for the coordination of any Students' Union academic programming offered each year.
The VP Academic Affairs shall be the main liaison between the Students’ Union and the University Vice President and Provost, as well as departmental Deans.
The VP Academic Affairs shall supervise and advise the activities of the other student Senators. They are responsible for ensuring regular meetings with the student Senators are held.
The VP Academic Affairs shall represent the interests of the student body of StFX through the office on all educational or academic matters.
Executive Board of the Students’ Union, as a voting member
Quality of Life Committee
Senate Steering Committee
Students’ Union Board of Directors, as a voting member
Joint Committee on Studies
Academic Priorities and Planning
University Senate
University Senate Library Committee
Honors Degree Committee
Academic Computing Committee
Good Neighbors Working Committee
Students' Oreintation Committee
Sexual Violence Prevention Committee
- Research & Policy Associate
For a complete list of the VP Academic’s committees, please contact at
Katie Wilson
Office: Bloomfield 411
- Monday11:30am-5:30pm
- Tuesday9:30am-11:30am & 1pm-4pm
- Wednesday11:30am-5:30pm
- Thursday 9:30am-2:30pm & 4pm-6pm
- Friday10am-1pm & 2:30pm-5:30pm
Chief Financial Officer of the Students' Union
Signing officer of the Students’ Union
Directing and organizing fnancial and daily operation systems of the union
Funds/Grants review and allocations
Budget planning, review and implementation
Overseeing all sponsorship initiatives for the Students' Union
Representing the Students' Union on all matters pertaining to the Health and Dental Plan
The executive board of the Students' Union
Budget and Finance Committee
Emergency Grants Committee
Health Plan Committee
CFXU Operations Board
Xavarian Weekly Publication Board
Bloomfield Committee
University Budget Committee
University Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee
DriveU Coordinator
Kevin's Corner Food Resource Centre Student Manager and Coordinators
Convenience For U Student Manager
OFFICE HOURS (Virtual Only)
- MondayN/A
- TuesdayN/A
- WednesdayN/A
- ThursdayN/A
- FridayN/A
Bring forward student issues to various stakeholders, including all levels of government to advocate for change
Represents the StFX student body in an equitable manner
Strives to combine research and consultation in order to advance student concerns
Part of 2 main advocacy groups:
Students Nova Scotia, which advocates to the provincial government
Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA), which advocates to the federal government
Vice Chair of Students Nova Scotia
Federal Policy Committee at CASA
National Advocacy Committee at CASA
- Research & Policy Associate
Mack Murphy
Office: Bloomfield 410
- Monday1pm-3pm9am-11am;
- Tuesday11:30am-3:30pm8am-10am;
- Wednesday9:30am-2:30pm
- Thursday3pm-6pm9:30am-1pm;
- Friday9am-4pm
Oversees the organization, planning and facilitation of all student-led events at the university.
Organizes events for X-Fest, X Ring, Frost Week, Convocation, and any other events that the executive board wishes to pursue.
Responsible for all financial systems related to events.
Coordinates events at The Golden X Inn alongside the bar manager.
Assists the Society Coordinator in the co-ordination of all campus societies.
Event Review Committee
Student Orientation Committee
Students’ Union Executive Board
Students’ Union Representative Council
Equity Advisory Committee
O-Crew Co-Chairs (2)
O-Crew Executive (21)
O-Crew Generals (110)
Event Coordinators (3)
Society Coordinator
Feel free to email or visit any of us during our office hours at the SUB from Monday to Friday.