The following information is an interpretation of the recorded history taken from a research project prepared by Paula King, Stuart Sankey, and Veronica Visentin on April 10th, 1987, as well as information gathered from speaking to various parties from the StFX community.
1928X-Ring face designed by Zita Cameron but not adopted as a symbol of StFX.
Senior Class President, Willie “Locker” MacDougall, created a grad ring based on the 1928 design. The X-Ring was born.
In previous years, the Senior Class President would appoint a committee to design a graduate pin.
Engineering program officially adopted X-Ring, offering the ring to graduates of the program.
Juniors ordered X-Rings despite senior opposition.
Senior opposition erupted as juniors were purchasing rings early and wearing them as soon as their senior year started.
Students’ Union passes by-law stating juniors could buy rings but not wear them until registered as seniors.
Committee formed to review 1951 rule and implement standardization around X-Ring. Without standardization, X-Ring would lose its value.
Juniors argued that, if engineers can get X-Rings in second year, juniors should too.
By-law passed by Students’ Union that stated no student can wear an X-Ring unless he/she is a senior or third-year engineer.
X-Ring design is challenged; proposal to add name of program to bottom of ring. Design proposal struck down.
Juniors violate by-law and wear rings immediately after seniors graduate, before juniors have registered in senior courses.
There is conflict around definition of a senior. Clear distinction created that you are a senior once registered in the fall.
Ensuing pressure from juniors on Students’ Union forces creation of committee to have open house hearings around entitlement of X-Ring.
Committee to set clear entitlement guidelines
Committee decides that X-Ring is a symbol of accomplishment, the Xaverian family, and its unity. You are not a member of the family until you are a senior. Fighting over entitlement is not a symbol of a unified family and must stop.
Committee decision accepted by faculty, seniors, and second year students, hesitation in frosh and junior classes.
Decision is as follows:
Committee of students and faculty to be formed to handle distribution of X-Ring (start of official X-Ring committee).
Students in good academic standing and registered as seniors are eligible to wear their rings in senior year.
Council amends proposal to include second year engineering students.
Also added that a student who starts at StFX but goes elsewhere to finish degree (i.e. Pre-med) may obtain a ring oncegraduating from the other program.
X-Ring copyrighted under the X-Ring committee
Committee given sole power to authorize X-Ring producers
Committee decides students should receive their ring at an annual ceremony
First ever X-Ring ceremony
X-Ring production put out to tender
Two companies offer to produce the rings, each with an altered design. Committee chooses to go with Alteen’s as the producer but with original design.
Cameron’s continued to sell X-Rings even though they were not yet an official supplier
Seniors force the abolishment of a formal X-Ring ceremony because they did not want to have to wait to receive their rings.
Informal ceremonies continued to take place.
Birks chosen as new X-Ring producer for financial reasons
Juniors force the Students’ Union to amend their bylaws to allow them to wear their rings in the last half of their second semester.
Rest of student body outraged, stating that the move makes the X-Ring symbolically worthless.
By-law put forward to allow all students in second year to be entitled to an X-Ring.
The by-law was struck down on the basis that the X-Ring is a symbol of achievement and not membership of the Xaverian family.
By-law amendment to allow Alumni to order rings through Alumni Office
By-law put forward that there should be two rings. A Xaverian family ring as well as a graduate ring. By-law struck down.
Amendment is made to Students’ Union by-law to make it official that the X-Ring is the one and only ring of St. Francis Xavier University.
Re-stipulated that juniors cannot wear rings until they are seniors
X-Ring ceremony deemed to be held on St. Francis Xavier feast day on December 3rd of each year.
X-Ring supplier, Lackey’s, is threatened with law suits by StFX for selling underweight rings.
Lackey’s provides a rebate to all concerned students.
Cameron’s is stipulated as official local supplier of X-Rings and Josten’s the national supplier. Birk’s and Lackey’s also involved with sales
Ceremony and committee permanently established
Before this time, X-Ring purchases were not closely regulated and it was not uncommon for unreliable persons to purchase rings.
Ceremony held in the MacKay Room
X-Ring Ceremony moved from University Auditorium (under the Chapel) to inside the Chapel, taking place in the morning.
While being held in the Auditorium, it was an evening event
X-Ring numbers were called out instead of each recipient’s names
Ceremony moved to the Keating Millennium Centre for 2007 grad class due to a limited seating capacity of 970 at the St. Francis Xavier Chapel. St. Ninian’s Cathedral was considered but deemed too small as well.

Originally compiled by Greg Coulas ‘12