A social group for Climate and Environment students and others interested in environmental related activities.  Our society provides peer support for CLEN students by running hikes, providing study sessions, and connecting students and faculty in the CLEN program

Co-Presidents: Hayley Allan & Leah Pearson

St. FX PHE Canada Student Chapter

In association with PHE Canada our St. FX PHE Canada Student Chapter's goal is to network and provide access to physical education knowledge to those who may not have a physical education background. We also increased awareness of physical activity and the PHE Canada message and activities.

President: Katherine Waterbury

Vice President: Sarah VanZeumeren

Secretary: Sky Blanchette

Treasurer: Madison Martell

Our House Too

The Our House Too Society is the first society at St.FX dedicated to inclusivity in politics and leadership. It was developed to bring St. FX students together to talk politics, gain insight and experience in the field, and bring a voice to members of our community who are underrepresented in politics and leadership positions. Women, racialized individuals, members of the LGBTQIA2S+ community, Indigenous peoples, and non-binary people are all inadequately represented in Canadian political life. Our hope is that this society will empower these voices in a political sphere that desperately needs it. Our mission is to bring a focus of inclusivity and representation to the world of politics at the university level, to one day live in a world where our government and policymakers accurately represent all Canadians.

Co-President: Katherine Starr

Co-President: Taylor

Secretary: Ellen

Treasurer: Abbey

Social Media Directors: Maddie & Georgia

STFX Physics Society

The StFX Physics Society welcomes all StFX students with an interest in physics, offering a diverse range of activities and support. We host weekly observatory nights, provide tutorial sessions, and offer support to any physics majors or those taking physics classes. Join our inclusive community to connect with like-minded individuals, expand your physics knowledge, and foster an environment of collaboration and academic growth. 

President: Tyler Cook

Vice President: Keely Ralf

Secretary & Treasurer: Lydia Taylor

Development Studies Society

The St FX Development Studies Society is an academic society built to foster community within the Development Studies program, expand the reach of the program, and bridge gaps between undergraduate students, the Coady Institute, and civil society organizations in Antigonish, in an effort to advocate for social change.

President: Nathalie Gatti

Vice President: Hannah Ford

Secretary: Macy Cudmore

Treasurer: Wesley Fairhurst